From Monday July 29 to Friday August 2 (week 31) we are

office closed due to the holiday period

are you coming with us?

are you coming with us?

Welcome to the
world of nightly

We look ahead, into the future. We are organizational consultants with an entrepreneurial spirit. We are looking for new, enterprising colleagues.
Colleagues who want to discover the path to success and happiness for themselves, for our colleagues and our customers. The way in the world of Nagtzaam!

Together we are on the road. You are behind the wheel and determine your route. Are you coming with us?

Determine your own career, salary, terms of employment, working hours and work life balance. A lot is possible at Nagtzaam.

Everyone is welcome; 12 open vacancies

At Nagtzaam, no one is a number. We give everyone a fair chance to participate. We stand for diversity. We want to offer everyone a chance for a job that suits them. Because our growth depends on you, all our positions are always open to applicants. Intern, junior or senior? You are welcome in our world!

What are you waiting for?

Video Ruud

There is a lot of attention for personal development and growth, but also for me as an individual.

Madelène van den Oever, Personal assistant

Our approach is never
short through the bend

An entrepreneur does not just need an accountant or tax specialist, but one who knows exactly what is going on within the company and who, in addition to the figures, is also guided by an entrepreneurial feeling. An advisor who tastes successes together and who has the value of a sixth sense!